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Five Things to Consider When Buying a Folding Mobility Scooter

A folding mobility scooter is a great option if you’re looking for convenience and versatility. They’re easy to store, transport and manoeuvre in a number of situations. However, there are a few things to make sure of before purchasing one for yourself or a loved one.

We’ve put together the most five most important questions, to ensure you choose the most suitable mobility scooter available.

Do I Meet The Weight Requirements Of Folding Mobility Scooters?

A folding mobility scooter is a convenient method of transportation. You can fold it up and take it wherever you want. It could go in a vehicle, on the train or even fit neatly into cupboards within your home.

Unfortunately, these benefits do come at a small cost in the form of weight restrictions. Most scooters on the market can only hold up to 300 lb in weight. So, it’s important to consider this aspect when looking at your options.

Rear view of scooter

Is Versatility & Maneuverability More Important Than Strength?

All folding mobility scooters are created to be safe and secure as a standard. However, foldable scooters aren’t quite as sturdy as their regular counterparts. This is because they need to have smaller, lighter parts to make sure the fold away neatly.

This is not to say that folding mobility scooters aren’t strong. Our range of products are fully tested and maintained to meet health and safety standards. It’s important to understand the lightweight and manoeuvrable nature of a foldable scooter to ensure you get exactly what you want.

Can I Afford A Folding Mobility Scooter?

The design and mechanisms of folding mobility scooter components tend to result in a slight price increase compared to traditional models. For example, a standard 4 mph mobility scooter can be purchased from our range for as low as £500.

However, a foldable alternative will be upwards of £1000. It’s important to consider your budget and if the convenience of foldability is worth the extra cost to you.

Can The Scooter Be Transported When Folded?

One of the many benefits of a folding mobility scooter is the lightweight features. A foldable model is designed to be easy to store and transport, so weight is an important factor. 

What needs to be considered though, is whether you or the carer responsible for moving your scooter when it’s folded are capable of lifting over 20kg. Almost all our foldable products are 20+ kg in weight, so don’t get caught out if you won’t have a way to lift it safely.

How Far Will I Be Travelling?

To achieve manoeuvrability and less weight, a smaller battery is often used. A battery can be extremely heavy on its own, so reducing size in this area can significantly affect the weight of folding mobility scooters. So, as a result, there may be some models that do not last as long or travel as far. This needs to be considered when choosing the best mobility scooter for you.

Choose Mendip Mobility For A Range Of Foldable Mobility Scooters

We’re accredited by the better business bureau, so you can be confident in the products we supply. It’s important to us that you’re cared for and happy with our service for any of your mobility needs.

Get in touch today to discuss further.


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